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Part 4. Buy now - How to shop smart on Acloset

After decluttering your closet, you may feel like you need new items.

Instead of buying new clothes, why not buy pre-loved items at reasonable prices? This is an excellent addition to your smart and sustainable fashion life.

1. Explore market

You can browse many secondhand clothes in the‘pre-loved' section at Acloset. You can find items sold worldwide and items sold by users in your country. You can buy unique, reasonably priced items you won’t find anywhere else!

2. Buy & Sell

After finding the items you like, you can start buying by messaging the seller. In Acloset market, sellers and buyers decide on the payment and shipping methods that suit both parties. Acloset recommends choosing a mutually acceptable method. Before you buy an item, please carefully confirm the item's details by asking the seller detailed questions.

3. Get the item

The shipping time varies depending on the method used and the distance between the seller and the buyer. The best way to estimate the shipping time is to request the shipping tracking number from the seller and verify it. Once you receive the package, please message the seller to inform them.

4. Leave a Review

Congratulations! You’ve received your item! It’s time to leave a review about your entire experience with the seller. Leaving a review is important to build a reliable community for sellers and buyers. Honest reviews contribute to a positive and healthy market.

Now, the clothes you bought have been added to your digital closet! Why not try various styles with the clothes?


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